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Daughters of the King

The Order of the Daughters of the King is open to women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church or other Churches in the Historic Episcopate. Founded in 1885 at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (now the Church of the Resurrection) in New York City, the Order now has Chapters throughout the United States and in 21 countries. Each Daughter takes a lifetime Vow to live by the Order's Rule, which entails a spiritual discipline of daily Prayer, Service, and Evangelism.

The parish Chapter is the focus of women's ministries at St. Uriel's. The Daughters generally meet monthly on the second Sunday, and for lunch or dinner twice a year. Each meeting begins with prayer, followed by discussion of projects and plans for the future, and then study. Recent study topics have included the parables of Jesus, and the sharing of stories of how Jesus has enriched our lives. 

Parish activities sponsored by the Daughters have included Adult Forums on such topics as Iconography and Quiet Mornings during Advent. Outreach activities include visitation of shut-ins and teaming up with the Brotherhood of Saint Andrew to support area ministries assisting the homeless and supplying meals to families in need.

To learn more about the Daughters of the King at St. Uriel's, please speak to Jean Deatrick, President, or any of the members. Click on the logo below to visit the Order's national website.

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