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Mission and Outreach

"For thou hast been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat; for the blast of the ruthless is like a storm against a wall, like heat in a dry place." (Isaiah 25:4)


St. Uriel’s is active in mission and outreach - with hands-on, financial, and material support for ministries helping those in need at the local, national, and international levels. Our parishioners are extraordinarily generous in making their time, talent, and treasure available to assist wherever the needs are greatest.

While the pandemic has disrupted much of our in-person involvement in local ministries, we are eager to return to such involvement with the participation and leadership of our next Rector.


In the past we have provided a food pantry and funds for families in emergencies. We have helped local families with food and gifts at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  The church grounds have been used for many local outreach activities.  During Hurricane Sandy in 2012, for example, we made the parish premises available as a housing site for recovery teams. Teams from St. Uriel's have worked with the local affiliates of Family Promise. Our Youth Group has regularly gone on mission trips to disadvantaged regions of the country.


A regular ministry has been supporting our troops stationed overseas - especially in dangerous locations involving combat assignments.  Every six weeks, care packages were sent to members of our armed forces. The parish also provides direct financial support to Christian missionaries working overseas.

Saint Uriel's actively ministers to seniors and shut-ins, visiting local assisted living facilities and nursing homes.  Our clergy regularly bring the Sacraments to parishioners who can no longer get to church. Before the pandemic, a team of parishioners assisted the Rector in celebrating a weekly Monday Mass at The Arbors in Spring Lake, a nearby assisted living facility. This ministry of Prayer and Sacrament entailed being present and available to help out in any way needed, even if only by the gift of listening and companionship.

Listed below are some of the many ministries, organizations, and institutions with which St. Uriel's has been and continues to be involved as a partner in outreach and mission:

Episcopal Relief and Development

Family Promise

Food for the Poor

Interfaith Neighbors

Jersey Cares Coat Drive

Madonna House


Manasquan Food Pantry

Ronald McDonald House

Samaritan Center at the Jersey Shore


Solutions Pregnancy Center

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